Monday, July 4, 2011

Tactical Battles

For a while now, I have felt like my fitness is something of a question mark in terms of whether I have enough of it to win. However, after this week I'm thinking that I do have the fitness but am lacking in the tactical game of mine and perhaps haven't just lucked out really well in a while.


On Monday I was doing an easy ride and broke a spoke on a wheel that Cliff loaned to me. This is just crazy how frequently I break stuff. I really need to do something about it. I was able to get another loaner wheel (this time a team wheel and not Cliff's) from Cliff again. We headed down to PIR. I was kind of taking my time to get ready and ended up missing the start of the 123 field. I was chasing in TT mode for a full two laps but eventually made it which impressed myself. As has happened before at recent PIRs, a break started forming which I happened to be in again. However this time I just got so bored of being in breaks and really wanted to focus on my group sprinting skills so I soft pedaled my way back to the field and even considered chasing back the break, but the field was able to. However, I still wasn't able to get the sweet spot for the group sprint so it was a bit frustrating.

Portland Plaza bicycle policy update

On Wednesday the Portland Plaza HOA met for their monthly meeting. A lot was on the agenda and the items were pretty cool - the paneling on the outside of the building was being replaced for the first time since it was built I believe and with the new material it was going to make the building 98,000 pounds lighter! However, the reason I was there was to protest the bicycle policy of course. I brought up the issue and it was bantered about for a bit. The main resistance against the building changing the rules was simply that they didn't want to change the rules. This made me feel a lot of empathy for a rather extreme bit similar comparison to people who opposed things like civil rights and in modern times gay marriage. While being a bicyclist isn't as life-defining as those issues I'm sure that those other parties really had to go through (and still do) the same kind of bullshit of people in power (or not) who resist changing human-made rules that severely impede on the pursuit of happiness of those that it affects while in the end imposing the rule has very little benefit and/or avoids small or mitigable negative consequences to those who try to keep the rules rules. I'm sure I have some items that I'm to blame for being that bad person I'm describing, but I am hopeful that the world and myself will change for the better.

Anyways, the issue of the bike policy did make it to the rules committee without riots, protests or Malcom X style advocacy.

Swan Island

And now back to racing at Swan Island (or not really Swam Island, but close enough!) which is the crit that Guinness Cycling Team puts on each year. I had practice-rode the course before, but the finish line turned out to be in a different place than I had expected. For I believe the first time this year on a weekend race, I was racing with 3 other teammates in the field. Two of them were from OSU I believe and another I've seen at PIR. It's kind of strange seeing racers showing up at these racers wearing your kit and yet you've never met them. All I knew is that at least one of the OSU guys was strong.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to edit this post and take out a big gripe and ensuing gossip-magazine material that I wrote about a move a teammate made that I was not happy with. However, I'm happy to say that our team is working it out and will have better communication next time.

What I do when there aren't races on a 3-day weekend

Two part answer:

1. Ride my bicycle
2. Slack off

So on Sunday I spent a decent part of the day hanging out with my team leader Dave Klipper and friends. I love people who are characters and Dave is one for sure in a way that brings joy to my heart. He helps me out a lot discussing tactical things, scores deals for our team, helps me work on my bike and will say some very absurdly inappropriate yet hillarious remarks at least once a day. And with the help of Dave and his crew, I've found a secret weapon (or two) that I'm about to unleash on everyone this coming week. Stay posted.

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